Survey Shot

A service that distributes NFTs to survey participants.

Accelerate Marketing by Improving Customer Understanding through Survey-Based NFT Distribution

Incorporating a survey into the process of receiving the NFT  increases the response rate to the survey and provides a more detailed understanding of customer needs.

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サービスロゴ (14)

Improve the Accuracy of Marketing by Collecting Users' Voice

The "Survey Shot" incorporates a survey function into the NFT distribution system and distributes NFTs after the survey has been answered. By incentivizing users in the form of NFTs, the response rate increases, and more data can be collected.
Furthermore, linking NFT recipients to their survey results allows a deeper understanding of the user's information.

Advantages of Using Survey Shot

More Efficient Data Collection and Increase User Loyalty

Incentivizing users with NFTs increases the survey response rate, and more desirable data can be collected compared to standard surveys.


It is also possible to grant NFT holders exclusive benefits when they respond to surveys, such as videos only available to NFT holders, discount coupons, etc. These measures will further increase users' interest and create loyal customers.

Effortless Data Collection that Reduces User Hassle

Respondents can eliminate the annoyance of having to fill in their personal information by simply entering their existing CRM IDs or member IDs in the response field.

In addition, anyone can receive NFTs easily without preparing a wallet using SUSHI TOP's patent-pending technology.

Understand the "State" of Users to Fast Forward Marketing Activities

Gathering desired data through surveys enables you to learn about users' interests, preferences, and opinions, providing the resources to develop products and manage content better suited to users' needs.

Using the Survey Shot and "Token-Graph Marketing," a marketing method that utilizes NFT's proprietary information, is also an excellent match for this system.



Example of Screen Transition

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Service Features

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Case Study [1]


Case Study [2]