What is NFT Shot?

NFT Shot is an NFT distribution service developed by SUSHI TOP.
It generates a link for NFT distribution just by uploading an image, and the recipients can get an NFT without the need for wallets or crypto assets.


idea NFT: Investment to Usability

Web 3.0 has enabled users to own data. Instead of using NFTs to invest, utilizing the ownership history as a foundation for the next-generation marketing approach is Token-Graph Marketing.

In the near future, Token-Graph Marketing will make the user profile much more visible. However, because the number of wallet holders is small, we are developing NFT distribution solutions as a first step.

problem Obstacles When Considering NFT Measures

Token-Graph Marketer solves NFT marketing headaches

NFT Issuer


Don't know how to issue NFTs
Corporations don't have wallets or crypto assets
Need a quote for each NFT issuance -> loss of time

NFT Recipients


Don't know what an NFT is

Never received an NFT before

What is MetaMask? Wallet?

Does not have a good understanding / don't feel safe -> Won't touch it

キービジュアル設定用 (360 × 430 px)

measures Easy and Simple to Issue and Receive NFTs

Creating an NFT is a simple process of uploading an image, and receiving it is more effortless than issuing, as there is no need to create an account. Anyone can receive NFTs without having a wallet or crypto assets.


Only 3 steps to receive an NFT!

1. Scan the QR code or access the URL

2. Save the backup QR

3. Complete receiving



temporary wallet Our Unique Technology: Temporary Wallet


No initial wallet is required

  • A wallet becomes necessary for secondary distribution after receiving the NFT.



NFTs can be transferred

  • NFT in Temporary Wallet can be transferred to your own wallet.

infrastructure Infrastructure Building for Stable NFT Distribution

SUSHI TOP has individually developed AstarNetwork endpoints to assure stable and fast NFT distribution.

Publicly Available Endpoints

✔️ Easy to use because it is available to anyone
✔️ Errors occur when transactions are overwhelmed due to
their capacity used by a large number of users at one time
✔️ Maintenance is impossible

SUSHI TOP Developed Endpoints

✔️ Able to handle fast and grand-scale NFT distribution by increasing the  capacity
✔️ Easy to maintain due to in-house management
✔️ Service system that enables in-house recovery without
having to wait for a vendor in case of system malfunction
To handle large-scale NFT distribution, we have established an infrastructure team, which is rare in the industry,
to ensure stable and high-speed NFT distribution.

analysis Post-Distribution Analysis

NFTの発行数、受け取ったウォレットアドレスなどの情報を収集し 解析ダッシュボードで確認することができます。 将来的に企業様が運用するCRMと統合することでより高度な分析が可能です




operation Operation to Implementation


The program requires about 2 weeks for preparation, starting from approximately 100,000 yen.

blockchain Compatible Blockchains

As of May 2023